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Sunday, November 5, 2006

Morrigan's Cross by Nora Roberts

Hero: Hoyt Mac Cionaoith
Heroine: Glenna Ward
Category: Paranormal
Page Count: 321 pages
Grade: B

From the Cover Slip:

A battle is brewing between the forces of good and evil-- a war that will be fought across the planes of time ---as Lilith, the most powerful vampire in the world, gathers her dark minions around her.

The goddess Morrigan rises up to stop her--and with her, a circle of six...

The romance in this story is slim but for me the romance was secondary, there's a bigger story being told here and I'm mighty intrigued to find out what happens next. This is the first book in The Circle Trilogy and I really enjoyed reading it. I loved how Nora Roberts started the story with an Old Man telling the tale of the War to all those little kids and I just loved the way the whole story just flowed. It was set at a nice pace and though the romance was very slim in this book, I still felt the wealth of love flowing between both Hoyt and Glenna.

I loved how their love happened real quick like but it was still believable to me, because they didn't fight their feelings for each other, they didn't shy away from the problems that would come from them getting together, they knew right from the jump that whatever problems arose from them being together, they were going to face each problem head on and TOGETHER. I loved it.

I thought the immediate handfasting was cute and I just loved reading about these two. It was good, a good addition to the whole story.

I loved getting to know the others in the Circle, I loved meeting Cian and the complication that he was in the story because he was a vampire and they were forming all this to destroy just what Cian was. I loved how they all grew together to be this big happy family and I enjoyed seeing them struggle to trust each other, struggle to LIKE each other and yet at the end of the book, we saw them accomplish what they wanted to accomplish, to form a unit.

I thought this book was well written and it was just oodles of fun to read. Nora Roberts proved to me in this book that she is indeed worth the money she makes. This was a great read for me and I cannot wait to start the next in the series, though I long to read Cian's story. Of the three men in the story, figures I'd be drawn more to the vampire than anyone else. The Sorcerer was hot stuff and the Man with Many Shapes was another hottie, but for me, it was all about Cian, the vampire....the story really has just begun and I can't wait to read the rest of it.

Good job, Nora.

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