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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Other Twin by Katherine Stone

On a rainy day in Northern California over 30 years ago a tragic accident occurs. Young Claire Forrester goes into labor as she watches her husband succumb to his injuries. For the next five days, she divides her time between her husband's hospital room and the neonatal unit where her daughter clings to life. Now her daughter, Paige, is a caring doctor who is slowly succumbing to her own medical problems. Gwen St. James, a makeup artist, is called in by Paige to hide the ravages cancer has wrought on a terminally ill patient before she goes home. Gwen and Paige become fast friends. Each feels as if she has found a part of herself that was missing, which is understandable under the circumstances. Claire Forrester also feels something is missing. Although her memory can't quite grasp what she's trying to recall, it does hold the key to unlock the emptiness each woman is experiencing in this moving story of family love.

This is a beautiful and touching story. I really like KS. She's different than a lot of the other romance authors I read, but good none-the-less.

The story is split between 2 woman. Paige, a sweet and caring doctor who's hiding a secret from everyone and Gwen, a very sweet makeup artist who has a horrible birth mark that covers half of her face.

Paige's relationship with her mother is very strained, even though everyone else seems to love her.

Gwen really struggles to deal with her scarred face.

It's a sweet and poingant story. Not a quick, light read, but still really good.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Willing by Lucy Monroe

They’re the good guys fighting the bad guys. They’ll get the job done—if the price is right and so is the cause. Meet three sexy men who individually are READY, WILLING, and ABLE to go the distance—and together, are unstoppable…

Josie McCall has been raised to be a soldier, and she could be the best—if she wanted it. Instead, she left her dad’s mercenary school behind for a normal job in computers. But now that someone has torched the school and her dad is MIA from the hospital, Josie’s going to use every bit of her merc training to find him and hunt down the culprits who took him. Josie knows a lot about explosives, hand-to-hand combat, and tracking. What she doesn’t know about is sex. She has no idea what to do with the volcanic attraction she feels for her dad’s new partner, Daniel Black Eagle. And that feels more dangerous than any bomb…

Daniel knows exactly what he’d like to do about that attraction. The brooding explosives expert can’t get within five feet of Josie without wanting to touch, taste, and protect her—even if he’s sure she would happily drop-kick him if she knew one sizzling moment of his fantasies. But he’ll save it for later. Right now, he’s got his hands full figuring out who set that bomb and took Josie’s dad. Daniel’s sure of one thing, though—he’s not letting Josie McCall out of his sight for a single second. Convincing the cutest, most desirable trained soldier he’s ever met that she needs a bodyguard isn’t going to be easy. But if she’ll let him, he’ll show her he’s willing to do whatever it takes to keep her safe, and along the way, he’ll make her feel every inch a woman…

This is the second book in her Mercenary series and I loved it. Willing was hot, steamy, romantic and action packed. LM is really good at getting into the technical side of things without boring her readers.

Josie is tough, but still very vulnerable. I loved that she was one of the best trained mercs in the business but still very feminine. My heart went out to her when she was talking about how hard it was to grow up with a father that demanded she be a better soldier than all the rest.

It also broke my heart to hear about Daniel's past. His upbringing was sad and violent and I just wanted to wrap him up in cotton and keep him safe!

Very good read. I highly recommend this series.

The books that come before this one are:

Merry Christmas Baby: Silver Bella (anthology)
Three Brides for Three Bad Boys

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